Orienteering: Find your way…

Orienteering: Find your way…

It’s not so easy to get lost anymore. Smart phones can locate where you are within seconds. (Well, providing you have signal of course!) Within the touch of a few buttons your phone can literally provide you with a list of directions to your destination, taking both the local weather and the traffic flow into account – clever! But, where’s the excitement of discovery and education in that?

I grew up with maps. I was introduced to maps on a school orienteering trip to Sherwood Forest. Orienteering felt like a treasure hunt and I can remember trying to match the symbols with real life objects with my friends. It was a mental and physical challenge, not to mention a race to see who could get there first! Who isn’t competitive from time to time! There’s nothing better than challenging your family or your friends.

One of the other great things about orienteering is being outdoors. There’s nothing better than fresh air on the local park. Whether it’s the middle of summer or the depths of winter, being outdoors can really improve your health. It’s also great for exploring local places like the Green Flag award winning Bramcote Hills Park. There’s history, gardens and nature to discover right on the doorstep. With today’s hectic lifestyles, everyone is so keen to get to their destination, that we forget to focus on the journey that gets us there and the world around us.

Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club are offering you and your family the opportunity to take time out and focus on that world! The club are hosting FREE family orienteering sessions on selected Saturdays this summer to allow you to challenge your family and friends and explore the great outdoors!

Sessions will run on:

1st April 2017

27th May 2017

8th July 2017

Sessions will run from 1pm – 3pm on Bramcote Hills Park. The meeting point is at Bramcote Leisure Centre in the bottom of the car park. The sessions are suitable for beginners and those who have tried orienteering before. Families are advised to come dressed for the weather and bring a drink! Families can walk or jog around the course – it’s all for fun!

Take time out with the family this summer and let Nottinghamshire Orienteering Club show you how to find your way, the traditional way. See you there?

For further information visit the club’s website here.

Anna Smith-Clare