Dear Member,
We have been working with our membership system supplier on improving how bookings can be made to ensure it is as smooth as possible and we have three improvements to confirm to you.
- Linked members booking for others
- Waiting lists for classes
- Class booking release time
- Linked Members Booking for Others
We now have the functionality to link members such that the primary member can book for all those that are linked to them at the price relevant to their membership. In order to speed up the release of this functionality it is currently only available through the online booking platform here, if you are unsure of your password for your account this can be reset here using your email you signed up with.
Booking example:
If you are designated as the primary member and you have a gym membership, your child has a swimming lesson membership and your partner has a leisure card and you wanted to book swimming you can book for all 3 under your log in and get it for the relevant prices. See below.
In this example, swimming in an age relevant session would be free for the primary and the child but charged at the leisure card price for the second adult. You can toggle on and off who you want to book on of those in your linked group.
Please note – There can only be one primary member per link group and you can only be in one link group but we will work with the supplier to extend this as we move forward.
From 1st August 2023 the standard prices for swimming in family sessions will revert back to standard rates but free swimming for all under 16 leisure card holders will be in place for the duration of the school summer holidays.
For this to be set up please email your preferred site stating who needs linking (including membership number or date of birth) and who should be the primary member.
- Waiting Lists for Classes
From 1st August you will be able to book on a waiting list for classes that are full, to receive notification when a space becomes available.
To book on to these sessions please click on the add to alert list on the app or online booking.
All those that are on the waiting list will then be emailed when a space becomes available and the space is allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Within the email is a link to the online booking page which you will need to follow to sign in, if you have not used it already on that device, but your device can remember you for future times. If you are unsure of the password for your account this can be reset here using your email address you signed up with.
When you have signed in, please go to the bookings tab, select class alerts and click Book Now, see below:
This shows you are booked on the alert list but there are no spaces currently available.
When a space becomes available the Book Now button appears.
Please ensure that you cancel your booking for any classes that you can no longer attend to allow another member the opportunity to attend this class.
- Class booking release time
Currently classes bookings are released at 12:00am (midnight). Following feedback from members, from 1st August 2023 this will change to 7:00am the following day.
Therefore, the classes you used to be able to book from midnight will become available from 7:00am the following day.
Please notes this does not affect other activity bookings such as Badminton which will still be available from midnight on the relevant day.