Exercise for Health

Exercise for Health

Doing any type of exercise or physical activity is beneficial for our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

It is greatly understood that exercise and physical activity is good for us. Exercising regularly will lower the risk of developing health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, strokes and some cancers. Research has also found that it can boost: self-esteem, mood, sleep quality and energy. For more information on the benefits oh physical activity, visit the NHS website.

For someone living with a long term health condition, exercise is often feared with worry of making the condition worse. Health conditions such as: Arthritis, Diabetes, Anxiety, Depression, Cancer or Fibromyalgia can be managed or improved through exercise. This can enable you to live a better quality of life.

Ways that exercise can help manage health conditions:

  • reduce pain
  • increase muscle strength in joints
  • reduce joint stiffness
  • improve physical function and mobility
  • lower blood pressure
  • improve posture and reduce back pain
  • prevent osteoporosis
  • control stress levels

Click here for an article explaining how exercise can help you manage chronic diseases.

L Leisure offer a wide range of classes to suit you on your exercise for health journey:

  • Aqua/Aqua Fit: fitness in the water, designed to improve stamina and strength without any pressure on the joints.
  • Aquacare: a low low intensity class in the water to build stamina and strength without any pressure on the joints.
  • Body Conditioning: low impact aerobics class designed to gently increase the heart rate, improve stamina and strength without loading the joints.
  • Easy Pace Low Impact Aerobics: low intensity class featuring a range of body exercises that help build strength and stamina without putting pressure on the joints.
  • Easy Pace Low Impact Circuits: combining strength exercises with cardiovascular movements in a circuit routine of exercises, you will improve your stamina and strengthen the muscles without overloading the joints.
  • Easy Pace Stretch and Tone: low impact class with a blend of exercises and stretches to improve toning and flexibility.
  • Flexibility and Function: informative class covering all basic fundamental movements of the body. Suitable for all, the movements work you to your own ranges of mobility, flexibility, balance and strength to help improve these areas.
  • Holisitic Pilates: Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi based blend of movements that helps to improve stamina, strength and balance in a relaxing environment.
  • Pilates: low impact class that improves physical strength, flexibility and posture in a flowing sequence of exercises.
  • Stretch and Relax: a class to promote relaxation whilst stretching to help relieve body tension and improve posture.
  • Swimming: helps to strengthen the muscles without impact through the joints, ideal for building stamina.
  • Walking/Nordic Walking: great for improving health, managing health conditions, improving the function of muscles and joints and improving balance.
  • Yoga: body movements that involves changing posture, breathing techniques and relaxation. It aims to improve strength, balance and flexibility whilst relieving stress, improving mood and sleep quality.
  • Zumba Gold: slower paced Zumba recommended for beginners.
  • Zumba: fusion of dance styles where you learn to dance and have fun.

Many of the L Leisure team have a wealth of experience working with people with various health conditions. They can support you to plan or tailor activities to meet your needs.

If you have a debilitating health condition and you are looking to take part in more regular exercise, email activelifestyles@lleisure.co.uk for support.

If you would like to try out our facilities before joining us, why don’t you try a FREE One Day Pass by visiting our website.